Homeostasis Investments
15% Interest Monthly Payments
Receive the payments of your investment directly in your bank account every month.
15% Interest Rate on any plan
Homeostasis Investments is providing a 15% annual interest rate, available at any time and for any investment amount chosen by the client.
Early Withdrawal at any time
The client may withdraw their funds at any time with a 60-day prior notice. Please be aware that payments are processed solely on the seventh day of each month.
0% Penalty on your capital
Homeostasis Investments will not charge any penalties for early withdrawal under the signed contract.
Fixed Homeostasis
This product is designed for clients with a capital exceeding USD 10,000 who seek to achieve a monthly return on their invested capital that surpasses the rates offered by traditional banking.
Homeostasis Control Express
You are in control of your money!
The "Homeostasis Control Express" program provides clients with the opportunity to make a micro-investment of $2,000 in an account under their name, with historical monthly returns ranging from 5% to 20% ($100 to $400). We set up and manage the client’s account to automatically mirror the trades of an account operated by our company, thereby ensuring the achievement of the expected results.
- Clients can withdraw from the program at any time
- Returns are calculated on the last day of each month
- Return payments are made on the 7th of each month
from $100 - $400
Saving Account
This type of savings is to receive in the long term an accumulated amount of money at a much higher yield than the normal market. This investment will be paid in full once the term chosen by the client is fulfilled.
What were we created for and where are we going?
We are a social, responsible, honest and transparent company that aims to support projects with a social purpose through the delivery of the best investment service and returns to its clients.
Our Purpose
Our purpose as a company is to capitalize self-sustaining businesses that have the purpose of serving the community in Health, Housing and Labor.
“Work is the materialization of the qualities, virtues and essence of a human being; enriched by the experiences of life towards the service of others”
- We believe in God as the unity of all
- We always live in abundance as a principle
- We believe that everything that happens to us is our responsibility
- We believe in telling the truth about all homes
- We have the right to be wrong
- We believe in contributing to society
- We believe there is a solution for everything
- We believe in happy work with happiness
- Everything happens for a reason, even if in the moment we do not understand it
- To serve in the workplace and to our customers the best possible way
- To give the best in any situation no matter the outcome
- To respect ourselves and our colleagues
- Be honest in our actions
- There is always a way out
- Everything in life is about perspective